United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Tokyo Office

What is UNICEF ?

Catherine Russell
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the world’s lead agency for children and their rights, active in over 190 countries through programmes supported in over 150 countries and territories, and the advocacy and resource mobilization work of 33 National Committees for UNICEF. UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
Message from UNICEF Tokyo Office

Roberto Benes
Giving a fair chance in life to every child, everywhere, especially the most disadvantaged – UNICEF is committed in equity and so is the world. When the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989, the world recognized for the first time that children possess innate rights regardless of gender, economic status, ethnicity, religious belief, disability or geographical location. Today, the Convention is the most rapidly and widely ratified international human rights treaty in history, showing that most of the world is committed to advancing the rights of the child, everywhere.
When you hear the rights of the child, which rights come to your mind? The right to education, health, protection and equal opportunities? All of these are the rights that children are entitled to from the moment they are born. For the past 25 years, we have seen much progress in ensuring these rights. The number of people who live in extreme poverty has been dramatically decreased and more children are now in school. Yet despite these remarkable gains, there are disparities and even widening gaps have emerged across and within regions and countries, revealing many children who have not been benefiting.
It is now our collective responsibility to reach every child, especially the most disadvantaged, and to put equity and children’s rights at the heart of our actions. It is us who can make the world fit for children by sending them to school, giving them a nurturing home with love and care, and providing them with vital services, such as healthcare.
In about 190 countries around the world, UNICEF does whatever it takes to reach every child who needs us. And to do this, we need partners like Japan. The partnership between Japan and UNICEF shows an incredible journey of transition. After World War II, UNICEF provided support for Japanese children for 15 years. In 1964, the year the Tokyo Olympics were held, Japan “graduated” from UNICEF’s support and has now become one of our most important donors. The contribution from Japan has supported the most vulnerable children and their families around the world. In close partnership with the Government of Japan and the people of Japan, UNICEF will continue striving to make a world where children are protected, receive fair chances, and can reach their full potential.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Tokyo Office
UNU Headquarters Bldg. (UN House) 8F, 5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, Japan
http://www.unicef.org (HQ)