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The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) Student Photo Contest 2018 result will be announced on UN Day (24 October)

Press Release 18-071-E 2018.10.15

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Student Photo Contest organised by the United Nations Information Centre Tokyo (UNIC Tokyo) and Sophia University enters its third year. This year, we invited and received some 600 submissions from university students, graduate school students, vocational school students and high-school students. After careful review of each submission, we are pleased to announce that the winners of the SDGs Student Photo Contest 2018 have been selected. We will be holding an award ceremony on United Nations Day (Wednesday, 24 October) at Sophia University.

In order to achieve the SDGs, it is essential to ask yourself what you can do to bring changes to your own surroundings. We hope that this event will provide an opportunity for you to deepen your understanding of the SDGs. Following the motto “Leave no one behind,” we invite you to join us in creating a more sustainable world. We look forward to your participation in the event.

Date: Wednesday 24 October 2018
Time: 13:30 – 14:30
Venue: International Conference Hall, 17th floor, Building No. 2 (2-1702),
Sophia University Yotsuya Campus (5-minute walk from JR Yotsuya station)
Organisers: UNIC Tokyo, Sophia University
Special Cooperation: Getty Images Japan, Nikon Corporation, Nikon Imaging Japan Inc.
Endorsed by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Global Compact Network Japan,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs
Cooperating Partners: Sigma Corporation, Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd
Media Partner: The Asahi Shimbun
Media contact: Sophia University Public Information Office
【Email: sophiapr@cl.sophia.ac.jp TEL: 03-3238-3179】


13:30 Award Ceremony  MC: Kaoru Nemoto, Director, UNIC Tokyo

1. Overview of SDGs Photo Contest: Kaoru Nemoto, Director, UNIC Tokyo

2. Opening remarks: Yoshiaki Terumichi, President of Sophia University

3. Congratulatory remarks by guest of honor: Toshiko Abe, State Minister for Foreign Affairs

4. Introduction of the judges

Leslie Kee: Photographer (head judge)
Akira Ono: Photo and Multimedia Editor, The Asahi Shimbun
Hiroaki Mizushima: Professor, Department of Journalism, Sophia University
Kaoru Nemoto: Director, UNIC Tokyo

5. Announcement and commendation of the following awards:

Grand Prize (Foreign Minister’s Award) (one recipient)
Award of Excellence (three recipients)
Awards of Recognition (10 recipients)

6. Comments from the judges and the award recipients

14:30 End of Award Ceremony

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Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)Student Photo Contest 2018 Exhibition

The photo contest themed on “Let’s capture the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) you’ve found in Japan!” attracted some 600 entries from university students, junior college students, graduate and vocational school students (including international students) from all over Japan. The award-winning photos including the Foreign Minister’s Award-winning photo will be exhibited at Sophia University through cooperation with Nikon Corporation and Nikon Imaging Japan Inc.

Date and Time: 29 October (Mon.) – 9 November (Fri.)
* The award-winning photos will also be exhibited at the foyer of the International Conference Hall at Sophia University on 24 October.

Venue: Entrance lobby, 1st floor, Building No. 2, Sophia University Yotsuya

For details, please visit:

Sophia University will hold UN Weeks (15-29 Oct) corresponding with the UN Day (24 Oct) as a part of UN Academic Impact.

For details, please visit:

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