
  • プリント


アントニオ・グテーレス事務総長による 緒方貞子元国連難民高等弁務官追悼メッセージ 


(UN Photo/Mark Garten)




緒方貞子氏 逝去に際しての アントニオ・グテーレス国連事務総長声明 (非公式訳)







Secretary-General’s statement – on the death of Sadako Ogata (original text in English)

I am deeply saddened by the death of Sadako Ogata, former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, humanitarian and role model for people across the world.

Sadako Ogata set the standard for helping refugees: principled, compassionate, effective. She was fearless in her advocacy for people, humanitarian action and political solutions. As the first woman to serve as High Commissioner for Refugees, she was a pioneer in highlighting not only the impact of violence on women but the imperative of women’s involvement in solutions. Her contributions continued long after her service as High Commissioner, in particular in articulating the concept of human security.

Sadako Ogata left a unique legacy and imprint on the UN Refugee Agency, as I witnessed upon assuming leadership of UNHCR a few years later. Many millions of people enjoy better lives and opportunities thanks to her solidarity and skillful work on their behalf. And the many people today who have been forcibly displaced from their countries and homes are better served because of her achievements.

I am grateful to have known Sadako Ogata as both colleague and friend, and I offer condolences to her family, to the people and Government of Japan, and to her many admirers around the world.

New York
29 October 2019



難民とともに:緒方貞子・元国連難民高等弁務官 の言葉を振り返る

国連広報局(DPI)季刊誌 “UN Chronicle” (The United Nations@70), 2015年 
   ― 緒方貞子さん寄稿 ~人間の安全保障を求めて~

国連広報センター・ニュースレター “Dateline UN”(September/October 2004) 
   ― 緒方貞子JICA理事長に聞く「国連改革で目指すべきもの」